A Look Back

2015 dogs


In 2015, Noah’s Ark Society was particularly focused on ensuring their special needs animals received proper care and treatment, whether they be handicapped, seniors or diseased.

Noah’s Ark Society has embraced holistic healing for animals that do not respond well to traditional pharmaceutical or medical treatments. These holistic methods include giving massages, using essential oils and simply providing the animals with the time and space to adjust to their debilitating medical conditions, along with many others.

Noah’s Ark Society uniquely focuses on the overall wellness of the animals, a word which means “the state or condition of being in good physical and mental health.” For Lori and her team, the health of the minds and spirits of the animals are just as vital as their physical health and agility.

Lori believes her organization’s passion for disabled, sick and aging animals was one revealed to them by the Universe. She believes wholeheartedly it is her mission to help all animals in need, and this drive led Noah’s Ark Society to not only serve felines and equines, but to make 2015 the year of the special needs canines.