About Adoption

Each year, millions of dogs and cats are killed in our nation’s shelters. But it doesn’t have to be that way. An estimated 17 million people will add a new pet to their families this year. If more of them would choose to adopt a pet, instead of buying one, we could reduce the number of animals killed in shelters significantly.

If you are considering a new pet, adopting makes sense for many reasons
  • You will save a life.
  • If you adopt an adult pet, there’s a possibility you can avoid some of the hassles related to house-training and teething, which are associated with puppies and kittens. Of course, if you prefer a puppy or kitten, rescue groups and shelters have plenty of those available as well.
  • You’ll save money because adoption costs less than buying an animal from a pet shop or breeder.
  • Perfectly “perfect” animals of all breeds, shapes, ages and sizes are available at shelters and rescue groups. Just because an animal ends up there doesn’t mean there is anything wrong with them. They are just in need of a second chance.
  • You just might meet your best friend.
What Noah’s Ark Society is doing

We believe that adoption is fast becoming the hip way to acquire a pet, and that it’s just a matter of time before buying a pet feels as strange for most people as throwing a recyclable plastic bottle in the trash.

But just because we’re on a good trajectory doesn’t mean we can let up. So encouraging adoption is a common thread that runs through nearly all the work we do.

Here are just a few of the things Noah’s Ark Society is doing to make adopting a pet convenient and desirable
  • Staging pet adoption events in all areas of Nashville. Each event finds homes for many animals in just one weekend.
  • Petfinders, Adopt a Pet, and many more.

To learn more about adoption, click here.

*All information is courtesy of Best Friends Animal Society.