our Mission
A Home for the Homeless; A Voice for the Voiceless
Rescuing the bottom 10%.
Our mission is to rescue, educate, rehabilitate and love all animals that come to us in need here in Middle Tennessee. We will offer pet placement programs, as well as educate this generation and future generation about spay and neutering necessity, to offer wildlife rehabilitation and reintroduction, and to be a voice in animal cruelty legislation.
Currently Noah’s Ark Society is raising capital funds and acquiring 500 acreage for the sanctuary. If you would like to be a part of this movement or need more information, please contact us at lori@noahsarksociety.org.
- Our sanctuary will be a no-kill facility that serves the needs of domestic animals, equines, livestock, farm animals, and wildlife in the Tennessee area.
- As a rescue, our responsibilities are to make sure all animals are spayed and neutered, receive complete vaccinations, are given monthly preventatives, and cared for until a responsible home is found.
- Wildlife animals will be rehabilitated until they can safely be returned to their natural habitat.
- We aim to build strong relationships with other local animal rescue organizations, raising funds for individuals in our community who dedicate their lives, energy and money to rescuing pets in need but may not be able to campaign for themselves.
If you want to help please donate through PayPal, or you may mail us a check to:
Noah’s Ark Society
P.O. Box 158159
Nashville, TN 37215
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